Monday, March 1, 2010

5 Tips to Find Success after the Online Home Inspection Training is Complete

online home inspector training
The online home inspector training is complete, now what? Here's some tips that you should always follow to maximize your career potential and create a positive, lasting impression.

1. Provide positive testimonials/references – One of the greatest ways to show firsthand that other customers have been satisfied with your services is to provide positive testimonials. Go even further and give names and numbers of previous customers and let potential customers give them a call. This will go a long way to build confidence and put their minds at ease.

2. Communicate your training, experience and activity in the field –Be open about your online home inspector training program, years on the job and what you do to stay current. Additionally, share your insurance coverage and how you stay up-to-date on current laws and building codes.

3. Charge a fair home inspection cost – Communicate effectively about how much you charge for an inspection and be prepared to back up that cost. Include information such as what parts of the house the cost includes and the full scope of your services the customer will provide.

4. Encourage the potential buyer to be present at the home inspection – This will go a long way to create a lasting impression in the buyer's eyes. Understand that this is a unique opportunity for the buyer to get an "inside" look at their new house. Buying a home can be overwhelming for many – being encouraging and forthcoming with the buyer is always the best bet.

5. Provide a written home inspection report – Don't ever try to forgo the home inspection report. This is why you are hired in the first place. The report will include your written opinion on the condition of the home. A detailed report will provide the buyer with a valuable negotiation tool as well as provide a legal basis later should any additional problems arise. Cover yourself and cover the buyer by providing the highest quality and accurate report possible.

Realize your full career potential. Start online home inspector training today and be prepared for opportunity!

online home inspector training

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